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a c h i e v e m e n t     h i g h l i g h t s

Illinois State Scholar (2022)

The State Scholar Program recognizes students for outstanding academic achievement.

FRA Americanism Essay Contest (2022)

Awarded first place in the Fleet Reserve Association's Americanism Essay Contest for the Illinois, Missouri and Oklahoma region. Essay has advanced to the next level for additional award consideration.

MDTA "Academic Excellence 4.0 GPA" Award (2022)

Recognized by the Missouri Dance Team Association for maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

Loretto Leader Award (2021)

Loretto Leader Award for the junior class. Students in each grade level were nominated by fellow students or faculty members, and a committee of staff and students then selected a recipient from each grade level. Loretto Leaders exemplify the core values of faith, community, justice and respect.

Kevin Budd Memorial Scholarship Recipient (2021)

Named in honor a long-time Science faculty member, this scholarship is given to an outstanding science student in the junior class. 

Part of the scholarship application process included writing an essay on how science and the Loretto values of faith, community, justice and respect could make the world a better place. My essay focused on the need to provide equitable healthcare access to the underserved. 

National Dance Alliance All-American (2020 and 2021)

While attending NDA camp in both 2020 and 2021, I was nominated by an NDA instructor to audition for All-American designation. All-American status is earned by dancers who exemplify qualities such as technical excellence, superior showmanship,  spirit and leadership.

Illinois Drill Team Association (IDTA) Scholastic Achievement Award (2019, 2020)

IDTA recognizes dancers with high academic achievement.

High Honor Roll (2018-present)

I have maintained straight A's in my six semesters of high school.

Letters About Literature, Illinois-Level 3, Honorable Mention (2019)

Sponsored by the Library of Congress, the Letters About Literature reading and writing contest is for students in grades 4 through 12. Students are asked to read a book, poem or speech and write to the author (living or dead) about how the writing affected them personally. Top submissions are recognized at the state and national level.

National Honor Society (2021)

Selection for the Nerinx Hall National Honor Society included the demonstration of high academic performance, service, leadership and character. Members were selected based on these criteria, along with an essay, by faculty members.

IDTA Rising Star (2019)

Rising Stars are performers with outstanding showmanship, execution and enthusiasm who are selected by the Head Judge at each Regional Contest. These individuals perform with a quality that shines above the rest.

Most Spirited and Hustle Award
Nerinx Hall Markerettes (2021)

Voted on by teammates, the "Most Spirited and Hustle" Award goes to the athlete who displays a high level of intensity, commitment, enthusiasm, spirit and determination to excel.

RECOGNITIONS: Recognitions
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